There are many words in our Bibles today that have been translated to English, and in doing so, has completely changed the meaning and implications behind the Hebrew and Greek words that were originally used.
Those who have gone before us in the Christian faith have literally created doctrines and beliefs around misinterpretations of Scripture. The Christian faith today has a complete set of beliefs, yet their beliefs are missing the appropriate context and proper definitions of the words being used. Because of this, the doctrines we've created have taught us that certain Scriptures mean something that they actually do not. Many of these modern “New Testaments” compared to the ancient Aramaic and Greek texts clearly indicate that there are many “new ideas” out there which were never a part of the early Believers values.
This is an issue today because this has massively affected our theology. The words have been mishandled and translated to mean something that they are actually not and this has damaged our understanding so deeply. The ancient serpent of old has no new tricks—just as he twisted Yahuah’s word in the Garden of Eden, he is doing the same today.
We can’t help what has happened. We can’t help what we don’t know. But the bigger issue is that there are a remnant of voices today who are crying out, trying to breach this gap and tell people and warn people of what has happened, provide the verses and sources to back it up, yet they choose not to listen. Many don’t want to deal with the thought that maybe, just maybe, everything they’ve been taught to believe has been a lie.
Most Christians realize that while they read and study from Bibles that came from Greek and Hebrew text and terminology, very few give second thought to what the original words’ meaning and intention behind them actually was. The enemy knows that the only weapon we have to fight with is the Word—don’t you think his main strategy of deception would be to twist the very Word we are told to fight with and use it against us to “deceive the whole world?”
Because that is precisely what has happened.
The time of ignorance is over.
And the times of this ignorance Yahuah winked at; but now commands all men everywhere to repent: Because he has appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he has ordained; whereof he has given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.
Acts 17:30-31
For deeper study, see Episode 44: "Why Words Matter" on The Promise Perspective Podcast.
With Love,