To Understand the Feasts is to Understand Prophecy

To Understand the Feasts is to Understand Prophecy

One of the greatest, most important truths there is, is one we’ve never been taught.

The message of the entire gospel is revealed in the appointed feast days.

How do I even begin to explain the depths and beauty of a topic such as this?

I have gone my entire life thinking that the biblical feasts were something irrelevant and unimportant because I was taught by the church that these are not for Believers today; that these are “for the Jews.” We are given holidays like Easter and Christmas because we are taught that those are about the Messiah. But as I’ve prayed and studied the Scriptures for myself, I’ve realized that there is a great deception that has engulfed the entire Christian religion (and world) unknowingly.

It took nearly 50 pages of my easter e-book to explain the importance of the biblical holy days outlined for us in Scripture, yet this only barely scratched the surface. So, I exhort you to consider reading my e-book and testing the information for yourself (it’s free to download), but I will summarize it by saying this: The holidays that Christians celebrate today like Easter and Christmas, are claimed to be about the Messiah. I’m here to tell you that those holidays are rooted in pagan traditions and false worship that has infiltrated the faith under the guise of “truth.” These holidays actually lead us into the worship of a counterfeit, false light.

The issue that many must reckon with is that accepting this truth comes first by acknowledging that we’ve all been deceived and lied to. The leaven has given rise to this deception. The cries of Yah’s people trying to sound this alarm today is an extension of the Father’s grace. There are seven appointed times given to us in Scripture (the Last Great Day is included with Sukkot), where we are instructed to gather and worship the Most High. Nowhere is Scripture does He state that these are “for the Jews.” Yahuah actually says in Leviticus 23:2, “these are MY feasts.”

Without studying the Scriptures for yourself, you will miss out on the fact that each one of these feasts either point to the First or Second Coming of Yahusha. I have an infographic that you can download for free under my ‘Bible Study Guides’ tab that will break each one of these down and show you that Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits and Shavuot (Pentecost) were fulfilled on the same exact days upon Yahusha’s First Coming.

This revelation will point to the fact that there are several more appointed times that indicate a future fulfillment.

This is not explicitly stated in Scripture, but this is why it is so important to be studying the Word for yourself, because there is an abundance of clues that will highlight the prophetic significance of our Creator’s appointed times, and how they will be fulfilled in the very last days, up until the last hour.

When Yahuah tells us to search for Him like hidden treasure, that tells us there are gems that are hidden in His Word, that will only be revealed to those who are truly seeking Him. Finding these gems are the blessings promised to us when we dig for His truth!

“How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!”
Proverbs 16:16

This is why we have to leave the milk of the gospel behind us and move on to the meat. Some things in Scripture cannot be revealed to babes in the faith—that’s why the author of Hebrews states in Hebrews 5:14 that meat belongs to those who are mature, whose senses have been trained to discern between good and evil.

Isaiah said in Isaiah 28:9, “Whom shall he teach knowledge? And whom shall he make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.”

People are perishing from a lack of knowledge, and many are not as prepared as they believe they are, because the majority of what Christianity teaches leads people to follow after false holidays that actually worship the enemy of their souls, and teaches them to reject the appointed times given to us by our Creator that actually gives us something real and meaningful to hold on to and celebrate with anticipation and joy.

There is nothing that harmonizes the Scriptures and reveals the plan of redemption of mankind more than the biblical feasts. So, when people say that these are only “for the Jews,” it reveals a lack of understanding. We’ve all been there at some point in our walk. However, nothing about these appointed times have anything to do with “being Jewish.” It has everything to do with being prepared for the return of our King, having our lamps filled with oil. Being prepared for His return has everything to do with keeping the appointed times. We are warned not to be caught off guard.

To understand the feasts is to understand prophecy.

This misunderstanding has damaged the maturity and sanctification of the saints. This must be called out so we can be reconciled to the truth.

I encourage you to make it a priority to study these appointed times with the Father. Let HIM show you their depth and beauty. Understanding their depth and significance will put every other worldly holiday to shame. After all, if holidays like Easter and Christmas were REALLY about the Messiah, the world would hate them. Do you want to know what the world really hates? The Father’s ways of the path that He set before us and told us to walk in.

May our hearts seek after His ways so that He can reveal the beauty and freedom that comes from honoring the Most High in His set-apart ways.

We need this oil for our lamps if we don’t want to be found as one of the unprepared “foolish” virgins when our Bridegroom returns.


With love, 


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