A Study of Isaiah 24

A Study of Isaiah 24

Isaiah 24 details what is going to happen when the final judgment comes upon the earth. From verse 1 to verse 23, we see descriptions like:

“The earth will be made empty and made waste.”

“The earth is broken down, dissolved, and moved exceedingly.”

“The earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, it will fall and not rise again.”

Isaiah 24 ends with verse 23: “Yahuah of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.” If you continue reading through chapters 25 and 26, you can read even more detail about this coming day of Yahuah.

Can we agree and confirm that Isaiah 24 is prophesying of this day that will come to pass, when our King returns to cleanse the earth and judge its inhabitants? It is not a hard case to prove that this is when the earth will pass away before we receive a new heaven and new earth. Anyone with a lick of discernment can understand what Isaiah is prophesying in Chapter 24.

If you agree with what I’m saying, I’d like to submit a question for you to consider...

If we can agree that Isaiah is talking about the last days, then why does it mention in Isaiah 24:5 that the earth is defiled because its inhabitants transgressed the laws (torah), changed the ordinance and broke the everlasting covenant if the law (torah) has been done away with?

If we know that this is talking about the coming day of destruction, and people at this point in time are STILL being accused of transgressing His laws and breaking His covenant, then how can we ratify that obedience to His torah is no longer necessary, when this prophecy is in reference to the return of our King?

His everlasting covenant is still everlasting and the definition of a transgressor is still the same.

I think what we need to do is instead of trying to defend why we believe the commandments were nailed to the cross, maybe we need to consider that there is a deeper meaning and understanding of the Word that Yahuah is calling His people to have in this moment.

Maybe we need to consider that our understanding may not be as solid as we thought it was, and Yahuah is calling us to set down our pride and be willing to receive correction as He points out the error in mainstream Christian thought and doctrine.

And maybe we need to be willing to admit that the shepherds in our pulpit are not actually leading people into truth like we thought they were. Yah's Word stands true and will reveal every single crack in our theology.

This is one of those cracks. Scripture is a hammer and will break anything and everything that opposes it.

It’s time to be reconciled to the truth and let the hammer do its work.

With love, 


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