A Plea to Christians...

A Plea to Christians...

I see so much brokenness and heartache when I look at Christians today, and I want to explain why, in hopes that this will reach the right person.

There are many, many Christians who believe in our Messiah, yet they are riddled with fear, anxiety, depression, sickness, etc. I see so many of my brothers and sisters who are chronically and internally bleeding, broken and empty inside and they can’t figure out why.

Many believers today wrestle with things like this and cannot understand why they can’t experience any breakthrough in their life and overcome the things and emotions that are literally draining and debilitating them.

Many believers know they are supposed to have joy and peace, but for some reason, they can never seem to find it. They have moments of it, but as soon as the waves of adversity rock their boats, it drowns that joy and robs them of their peace.

Many Christians are confused because we are told and we believe that part of the victory that we are supposed to have in Messiah is a joy that is everlasting and a peace that is beyond understanding. We are told that we’ve been set free! But the majority of Christians don’t really feel “free” at all.

Have you ever wondered why this is the case?

I do. This is actually what caused me to dig deeper in my Bible several years ago.

We have 2.6 billion Christians in the world today, but the majority of them feel stuck and hopeless and they don’t know why. Like I said, they have moments of joy and peace but they still find themselves wrestling with fear, doubt, anger and depression whenever life gets stressful.

It’s like something is holding them back. It’s like something is oppressing them even though they feel like they’re doing everything right.

It has taken me my whole life to understand why this is plaguing the body of Messiah today. People are going to church, checking all of the boxes and doing the best they can, but they are not really experiencing that freedom the way Scripture teaches that they should. Yes, we are positionally free because of our belief and faith, but practically speaking, we aren’t being taught what it means to truly walk in that freedom on a daily basis.

This is something that needs to be addressed.

Could I be so bold to say that the teachings coming from the majority of these churches are actually keeping you in bondage?

There are so many different denominations today, but they all seem to sing the same tune: the Father’s commandments were done away with and no longer relevant to your life today.

What if the thing that we are told that we no longer have to “obey” is actually the very thing that is the source of joy, peace and freedom?

What if the thing that we are told that we no longer have to “obey” is actually the very thing that delivers us from our anxiety, fears and things that are holding us back?

What if obedience IS freedom?

Sin is a disease, would you agree?

Sin is something that corrupts and destroys our souls and keeps us from a relationship with our heavenly Father. Sin is bondage—living in it will keep you oppressed and keep you from the abundant life that Yahuah has for you. The reason we have to learn and desire not to sin is so that we can experience freedom from that bondage. Messiah came to give us freedom from sin, right? He can’t force us NOT to sin, but He will give you everything you need to be able to overcome sin.

But what is sin?

Sin is transgression of the law (1 John 3:4).

In other words, sin is transgression of the Father’s commandments—His Torah.

So, I would like to pose this question to you again.

What if the thing that we are told we no longer have to “obey” anymore is actually the very thing that teaches us how to find freedom?

Is it possible that the message of mainstream Christianity is keeping us in bondage, keeping us sick?

The definition of sin will never change. I’m sharing this for you to consider that there may be a deeper meaning to understanding the gospel that the body is largely missing out on.

Many people are trying to live a life free from sin, but they are being taught and believing that the commandments that are “done away with” is the “grace” we are under now. This is a false doctrine.

What if the things that mainstream Christianity is propagating today is actually the very thing KEEPING people in bondage, and preventing them from having the peace and joy that they so desperately long for, that only seems to come in waves and is always fleeting?

I’m 35 years old and I can say with 100% certainty that the deliverance and healing I was looking for came when I found the treasure of blessings from obedience to the Father’s commandments.

Do I walk them out perfectly?

No, I do not. But our Messiah showed us how to do it, and I have the grace that sustains me while I learn to do better. His Spirit lives in me now and helps me each day, and it’s amazing what He can do with your surrender. I want to do better because He’s given me the gift of salvation that I certainly could not earn or give to myself.

Following Him and learning the Father’s ways has given me the freedom I didn’t even know I was looking for. Loving Him has allowed for Him to write His commands on my heart, as He promised He would (Jeremiah 31).

Lukewarm preaching has watered down the gospel message of how obedience actually brings deliverance.

We are taught that obedience to the commands is bondage, and we wonder why we can’t overcome sin—because we are being taught doctrines that keep us in a cycle of sin, and we’ve been unknowingly deceived into thinking it’s “righteousness.” But it’s not—it’s actually keeping people spiritually sick and malnourished.

People don’t understand that the world we live in is ran and orchestrated by demonic principalities and the ONLY way to be rescued from it is from obedience to the Word and to learn that our obedience to the Father’s commands and submitting to His ways is what it truly means to be a set-apart, blessed and royal priesthood.

I love you.

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear Elohim and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”
Ecclesiastes 12:13

“Open my eyes, so I may behold wonderous things out of your torah.”
Psalm 119:18

With love, 


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